Treating Hypertension with Remote patient Monitoring Technology
In the United States, high blood pressure, or hypertension, is a major health concern and one of the leading causes of heart attacks, stroke, and heart failure. Hypertension affects 1 in 2 adults in America, accounting for nearly 500,000 annual deaths and costs the healthcare system billions of dollars each year. Despite these figures, the […]
Patient Centered Designs for Patient Centered Care
Technological innovations enhance experiences everywhere, especially in healthcare. For decades, leading experts have been encouraged by the impact technology can have on medicine and care practices. It’s well known that the use of technology within medicine is necessary for the delivery of preventative and patient centered approaches to healthcare. These technologies, like Remote Patient Monitoring […]
Driving Patient Engagement
It is well-known that patient-centered care improves health outcomes. At it’s core, patient-centred care is the practice of caring for patients and their families in ways that are meaningful, supportive, and valuable to each individual patient. This includes listening to, informing and involving patients in their care. That’s why Kencor’s focus has always looked beyond […]
Innovating Healthcare without Compromising on the “Care”
Technological innovations have significantly impacted our lives. From streaming data in real-time without sacrificing privacy, to managing employee workflows and customer relationships, digital technology has improved the speed, security, and coordination of work across industries, and few accomplish those feats better than the companies that make up Big Tech. In recent years, we’ve seen a […]
RPM Redefines the Future of Renal Care and Nephrology
Chronic Kidney Disease in the United States Kidney disease is a pressing concern for many healthcare communities, with good reason. In the United States alone, 1 in 7 adults are expected to experience chronic kidney disease (CKD), a condition in which kidneys fail to function well, resulting in their inability to effectively filter blood. Other […]
Holistic way of reimagining Healthcare – Remote care
For chronically ill patients, care is a daily need. It is a continual practice that gets folded into a patient’s life beyond the hospital and the moment of medical crisis. By centralizing acute care to hospitals, we have missed key opportunities to fully care for patients with long-term needs. The hospital must extend far […]